A simple Roadmap to Learn Flutter

This is the ultimate guide and resource for anyone who wants to learn flutter just from start. After completing all the projects and going through the resources provided below, one is sufficiently trained to make any app that comes to his/her mind.
- To learn Flutter, you must learn Dart before. Here are the things you must know in dart.
- Basics (variables, methods, etc.)
- Arrays, Maps
- String
- Loops
- Conditional Statements
- Classes
- Inheritance
- Play on Dart pad a little bit
- Futures
You can learn them from here:
2. Then the next step would be Setting Up Flutter on your PC.
You can refer to this for setting up.
3. After setting up, you are ready to make your first app now.
4. Before moving to the next app, make sure you know about these things:
- Basic Widgets like Text, AppBar, Material App, Image.network, Image.asset, Scaffold, etc.
- File Structure in Flutter
- Adding Images and fonts
- Adding plugins to the app (pubspec.yaml file)
- Stateless vs Stateful widgets
5. Done with all the stuff? Come on then, let's make our second app!!
6. Let’s take our learning to next level, make an app using API. First, you should know what is an API.
7. Now, you must be comfortable enough with Flutter and Dart, considering you have made three apps of your own. You can now learn how to use local databases and cloud databases, or you can also go to the path of custom backends. You are now free to learn and include anything in your apps.
8. To make the code professional and easy to maintain, state management is really important. There are various flutter plugins available for state management like GetX, BLoC, etc. You can use any one of them, many tutorials are available online.
After covering this stuff, you will be ready to move into the world of Flutter apps and convert your imagination to something real.